Budget Cuts: Publicise the Protest

Budget Cuts: Publicise the Protest. March 26th 2011 a mass demonstration is planned in London. Organised in the main by the TUC (Trades Union Congress), the protest is an opportunity for anybody affected by recent budget announcments, to show the government the depth of feeling they have against the cuts. A lot of information about … Continue reading

Highbury Park Development, A Misspending Of Taxpayers Money?

Highbury Park

On Tue 1st March Birmingham City Council agreed to budget cuts of £212m, leading to the loss of 2,450 jobs. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-birmingham-12616144 At the same time, and in the two weeks since, work on the development of a play area in Highbury Park, Kings Heath commenced. Birmingham Budget Cuts visited the park to ask its visitors … Continue reading

Birmingham, International Women’s Day, Budget Cuts, Photos.

Bham against the cuts

International Women’s Day, Saturday 5th March, Birmingham City Centre. On its 100th anniversary the topic on the lips of most of the women, attending the Birmingham event, was budget cuts. Gathering at the foot of Victoria square the women in attendance banged pots and pans, sang protest songs and took it in turns to address … Continue reading

BCU ‘Stop The Cuts’ Protest Photos

Stop The Cuts

Birmingham City University, outside the library, 12:30, ‘Stop The Cuts’ protest. A disappointing turnout for a protest against the cuts that Birmingham City University will be facing. Only a handful of students, a few lecturers and some TUC members turned up for this protest at the Perry Barr campus. Flyers were handed out, petitions signed … Continue reading

Digbeth Ikon to close due to cuts

Just seen a link to an article on ‘Digbeth Is Good’ blog, saying that the Ikon Eastside is set to close More on this later and i’ll be reporting from the closing down gigs 7-9th April.